everyday you spend countless hours trying to find the coolest shit on the internet right? well that sounds like work to me! and work is for people with jobs!!! so CoolOwner does the work for you! and no need to say thanks for that!

Holiday Hangover got You Down?

6 Natural ways to help hangovers
(its about time!)

1. Water

Start drinking ... water, that is. Dehydration is the enemy, so drinking several glasses of water before bed will help lesson your hangover symptoms.

2. Replace electrolytes

Replace your electrolytes by drinking tomato juice with a shot of lime juice and sugar. If don't have tomato juice, substitute another kind of fruit juice or even a sports drink such as Gatorade.


Alcohol can literally suck the vitamins from your body. Before going to bed, and after you wake up, take a strong B-complex vitamin. This will help with fight the fatigue, as well facilitate your energy recovery.

4. Ginger

For centuries, ginger has been used as a treatment for nausea and motion sickness. Drink a cup of ginger tea to soothe your stomach and help fight off some of the affects of the alcohol.

5. Take a hot bath ... with wasabi

Draw a bath and add some wasabi root. Some of the toxins will leave your body through the skin, so soaking in a wasabi bath can help increase blood circulation, oxygenate the tissue and work to flush the alcohol much more quickly.

6. Detox with wheatgrass

Did you know that wheatgrass is a natural detoxifier? Experts say the chlorophyll in wheatgrass helps with healing your intestinal system, balancing your body's PH and delivering powerful antioxidants and enzymes to support your body's health. Drink a glass at the end of the night for instant detoxifying and hydration, then again the morning after to further detox and energize.
Okay, so maybe you wont actually take a hot bath with wasabi but it wouldnt kill anyone to have a glass of tomato juice on a hungover saturday!

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Elderly Blogs


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